  1. Braver


The house is on fire, it's panic time
The house is on fire, it's panic time
The house is on fire, it’s panic time.

You're comfortable, you’re tired I know
But now is not the time to go slow -
We’ve got to put our bodies on the line to move to where we say we want to go.

I urge you to consider what's better than what is easy,
I urge you to risk instead of retreating.

Everything will have to change, yes
But the change is for the best, yes

So lean into whatever you can to make you braver
Lean into whatever you can to make you braver
We need you braver, I need you braver.

The house is on fire it’s panic time
The house is on fire, it’s panic time
The house is on fire, it’s panic time

I love the world
I love the air it lets me breathe
I love the water lets me drink it
I love the soil that feeds me,
I love the world and being a live in it.

Can't you see me crying, I’m crying;
I'm crying for the world I love,
Crying for the world I love,
Crying for the world we share.

Lean into whatever you can
Lean into whatever you can

Lean into whatever you can to make you braver
We need you braver
I need you braver.